Progressive Interventions & Sanctions

The purpose of having a progressive interventions and sanctions policy is to provide a framework to guide community supervision (probation) officer intervention and decision-making when a violation of probation has occurred. A clear, consistent understanding of the steps to be taken when responding to violation behavior can increase officer autonomy and reduce the filing of petitions to revoke probation in cases where a response short of revocation and incarceration is appropriate.


Our goal is to intervene selectively and proactively with offenders to reduce the likelihood of future criminal activity and to bring about positive changes in the lives of the offenders, increasing their chances of successfully completing their probationary term. To do this, we employ supervision strategies that hold offenders accountable for their actions, including monitoring and/or influencing offender behavior, and through the development of or referral to rehabilitative programs specific to offender needs. We also have a secondary goal of ensuring an appropriate and proportionate response to all violations of the conditions of community supervision, in which we take into account such factors as the risk level of the offender, the nature of the violation, and the objective of offender accountability.


The Palo Pinto County CSCD Progressive Interventions & Sanctions Model:

There will be a response to every detected violation by the CSCD.

  • The CSCD’s response will reduce the time and resources the Courts, prosecutors, and other County offices dedicate to addressing technical violations.
  • The CSCD’s response to a violation will be proportional to the risk to the community posed by the offender, the severity of the violation, and the current situational risk.
  • The least restrictive response that is necessary to respond to the behavior will be used.
  • There will be consistency in handling similar violation behavior, given similar risk factors.
  • The response to a violation should hold some potential for long-term, positive outcomes in the context of the supervision strategy.
  • Although response to violation behavior is determined by considering both risk and need, risk to the community is the overriding consideration.
  • A probationer who demonstrates a general unwillingness to abide by supervision requirements or who poses undue risk to the community should be subject to a Report of Violation being filed.
  • A probationer who demonstrates positive changes and exceptional compliance to supervision requirements should be encouraged to continue his/her prosocial change through positive incentives.


INCENTIVES*                                                      *


Lowered supervision level

Decrease in face-to-face contacts

Mail-in reporting

Community service hours credited

Relief/reduction of travel restrictions

Reduction/waiver of supervision fees                             

Recommendation for early release                                                                                                                                             


Increased supervision level

Increase in face-to-face contacts

Additional community service hours

Verbal admonishment/warning by CSO

Program referral

Judicial administrative hearing

Curfew hours

Travel/jurisdictional restrictions

Extended fine

Weekend jail time

Jail time with or without work release

Extension of probationary term

Electronic monitoring

Residential treatment/placement

Shock probation





* Incentives and Sanctions are not listed in order of application, and are not limited to those shown.

May 2024